Zack Parrish Honored by OneGoat Foundation at First Responder of the Year Event

OneGoat Coin - Zack Parrish, David Fancher

A commemorative coin honoring Zack Parrish and David Fancher created by the OneGoat Foundation for its First Responders of the Year honorees.


Annual Flip Flop Gala Aims to Celebrate the first responders in our community

On Sunday, June 26th the OneGoat Foundation held its annual Flip Flop Gala at the Hilton Inverness Hotel to celebrate local first responders and their impact in our community. The night featured food, drinks, fundraising, a celebration of first responders (and of the Colorado Avalanche who clinched their Stanley Cup victory that night) and even bagpipers as part of the festivities. Following the Flip Flop Gala was the annual Golf Tournament on Monday morning at the Inverness Golf Club.

Each year, OneGoat honors their “FROYA” – First Responder of the Year Award – recipients and this year they selected Deputy Zack Parrish as well as David Fancher of South Adams County Fire Department. We are deeply grateful for the honor for Zack and for the support that OneGoat brings our community.

OneGoat shares in The Shelter Foundation’s vision and is a recognized 501c3 non-profit organization that believes that first responders are our nation’s Greatest Of All Time and helps to provide first responders with critical gap funding when they need it most.

“I’m thankful for OneGoat because they’ve stepped in and they’ve said ‘we’ll walk with you’ and to make sure that (my daughter) receives the counseling she needs to heal from this traumatic loss,” Gracie Parrish Miller says about OneGoat.

“It just removes the pressure off of my back to feel like someone else is carrying this with me. To know that I’m not alone is very helpful. I don’t need to worry about paying for her counseling and I can focus on the things that bring us a lot of fun memories.

Fellow FROYA recipient David Fancher described his journey and OneGoat’s involvement in helping him. “They came to my house within a week of my accident. They just got to listen to my journey, listen to my story, reaching out to me saying ‘what can we do?’ and ‘how can we help?’”

The first responder community is a tight knit one, and includes Revital Colorado who has also partnered with the Shelter Foundation with recent local events including a night at TopGolf and a family day at SkyZone in Parker. Revital Colorado Founder and former firefighter Jordan Long adds, “We’ve been able to contact OneGoat several times for checks, monetary donations, funeral costs…things that most people wouldn’t think about providing for first responders, One Goat does this. They write checks without the strings attached.”

Thank you OneGoat and Revital Colorado for your partnership and commitment to support our local Colorado first responders and families in times of need and to stand in the gap to support our community.

OneGoat - Hilton Inverness

Bagpipers dressed in Avalanche gear perform at the OneGoat Flip Flop Gala


Learn more about OneGoat at

Learn more about Revital Colorado at


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