
First Responder Mental Health Support Non-profit

"In early 2022, following an officer involved shooting as well as the sudden traumatic loss of my father-in-law 3 weeks later, it felt like our marriage was broken and additionally my husband was absolutely broken. We were at rock bottom and I had no idea how we were going to get out of it. Then one day, I was listening to the Hopecast episode featuring Gracie Parrish Miller and the work of The Shelter Foundation and their mission. I took a leap of faith and emailed The Shelter Foundation begging for help for my marriage.

Within a couple of days, Gracie replied and offered marriage counseling for my husband and I. I finally felt like we were going to get the help we needed that we were unable to find in our own community. The Shelter Foundation helped us find a provider office that would meet our needs and also understand the situation we were in. We started therapy the next week and our provider identified that my husband had severe PTSD and would need additional therapy outside of marriage counseling. She also identified that he would need treatment before marriage counseling could be successful. He was in contact with an EMDR therapist the next week and has been going since. 

Our marriage counseling is now going amazing and we are finally coming out of the deep dark hole we were in. The Shelter Foundation provided the funding for the therapy we needed - we have not had to worry about the cost of healing and getting better. We are forever grateful for The Shelter Foundation and all that they have done for us. Such an amazing organization!

Thank you will never be enough!”

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Jason and Amber

